The pictures are not straightforward clues. They are of the actor who spoke the line, or the actor of whose character it was said. And none of the pics is from the relevant film.
1. Now it isn't that I don't like you, Susan, because, after all, in moments of quiet, I'm strangely drawn toward you, but - well, there haven't been any quiet moments.
2. Nervous?
First time?
No, I've been nervous lots of times.
Yes, DougB, very close, although it was Robert Hays as Ted Stryker, the nervous pilot, in Airplane. I've put my My First Mister on my rental list.

3. You must think I was born yesterday.
Well, sometimes there's just no other possible explanation.
Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. What a script, and the campest scene in mainstream cinema.
4. No bucks, no Buck Rogers
And the film I like so much I quoted it twice, The Right Stuff. Fred Ward as Gus Grissom, nearest the camera in the shot above.
Yeah, she's my fiancée.
Well, that would certainly explain the hostility.
Yes, Gretchen, it's Cousin Vinny, another of my longtime favourites. Marisa Tomei and Joe Pesci are wonderful together, and who knew Joe was a comic? Marisa is so beautiful and yet chews gum with distinction. Fred Gwynne played the Judge in this excerpt. It's full of great set pieces and if I catch the first five minutes, I'm hooked. More great lines from it here.
This was said by one of the minor characters in White Mischief, of Gilbert Colville, the old Etonian who drove around Nairobi in an open-top Rolls Royce with a couple of Masai herdsmen. You can just see him in this tiny snap with the lovely Greta Scacchi who played Lady Diana Delves-Broughton. They subsequently married - Gilbert and Lady Diana, I mean, not John and Greta, although they might make a fun couple.
This is John Hurt again, as Quentin Crisp in an Englishman in New York, which is due to be shown on ITV next Monday, 28 December. It's a sequel to the divine Naked Civil Servant and covers Crisp's later years in, yes, New York. I am looking forward to it very much, while simultaneously worrying in case it doesn't match up to the first one.

10. She's been diagnosed as a paranoid hypochondriac.
Doctors think she may be faking.
11. I don’t know who I am, but I’m sure I have a lawyer.
I think Goldie's underrated, probably because she's so cute. She has great comic timing.
Swing Shift is a satisfying film - it also has Christine Lahti,
Ed Harris and Fred Ward as well as Mr Hawn, Kurt Russell, which is good enough for me.
#9 is Galaxy Quest! i think.
Very sad that I only knew Galaxy Quest.
Is it fair to look them up on the Internet, Helen? I could do that... and you're kind of hinting it's OKAY. I don't know a single one off the top of my head.
I got got one! I got one! Oh shoot, it was already gotten. I will say, however, it was Sam Rockwell, an actor who despite being remarkably prolific (and good)I have no real idea what he looks like.
Ooo! The first one is Cary Grant to Katherine Hepburn in Bringing Up Baby.
Is #6 from "My Cousin Vinny"? I only guess that because the picture of Marisa Tomei (if that IS her; my eyes are tired this morning) follows the quote.
The only quote I recognized without question is the one from "Galaxy Quest". We all seem to be fans here. . .
#5 was spoken by Julia Roberts in Erin Brockovich.
Mary G. in Texas
You aren't too smart, are you? I like that in a man.
Ok, I looked it up, but only for confirmation: Body Heat.
Also, the other speaker in #6 is Fred Gwynne, who I tend to think had better acting chops than he got to display (crummy sitcoms will do that to a career).
#11 Was said by Goldie Hawn in Overboard.
Mary G. in Texas
#10 was spoken by Steve Martin in Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid. (I had to think about this one for quite a while!)
Mary G. in Texas
number two has to be Julie Hagerty... but I'm not sure if she said that when she sat down at the cockpit in 'Airplane' (who would she say it to? Otto?) the other one is 'Lost in America', one of my many Brooks favorites, in which so many other great lines exist... "You are NEVER allowed to use the words nest and egg in the same sentence" being the most memorable.
By the way Helen, since you mentioned Christine Lahti, I'd like to suggest you see another Albert Brooks fave of ours... 'My First Mister'. He stars, Chris directs. I bet you'd like that one.
(I do know a couple more answers but won't be a hog!)-Doug
Awww I suck on remembering lines in movies, whatever movie are they. It's hard for me to remember these Christmas quotes from movies, while my kids can even speak them out when we're watching them.
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