I didn't get on so well with my bright idea about lining up the patterns on the Swallowtail Shawl. I started off doing it, and then on the third row I found that I'd made a mistake on the first. I took it back (after waiting for the regulation three days while I calmed down) and started it again on Saturday afternoon. Meanwhile I had calculated that what I was doing would only give me four bells on the lily of the valley pattern, so I went back to the original pattern. After I had done a few rows of that, I realized where I had gone wrong in my first set of calculations but it was too late for me to face taking it back again. I was trying to line the ssos up with a budding lace patetrn, and the lily of the valley up with the next, when actually I only needed to line up one of them. Oh well. To be fair to myself, I really wasn't well on Saturday afternoon and it was only a fit of colossal stubbbornness that got me through the rows I did. I've done the first set of lilies now and am about to start the second. I might do a third.

If I knit the pattern again soon, I should be able to get it right then. The nupps really aren't bad at all, especially when you consider that I'm using the yarn double-stranded so I've got ten loops on the needle instead of just five.
I finished the back and cast on for the left front of Billie. The back was 131 stitches and the front is 102, so it's not a huge difference. Still very happy with it.

She's done a little Flapper Bracelet too. Do go and have a look.
There's also a new group started on Ravelry for fans of Lynne's work, the Lynne Barr's Genius Group - you can join here.
iPod Touch
Don't let me put you off iOS4 entirely, Mary Lou. It does sharpen up the screen resolution, which I thought couldn't be improved but it is, gasp; and it introduces folders that you can put icons into. So, for instance, if you have a lot of knitting apps, you can put them together in a folder. Do this a few times and you can reduce the number of start screens significantly.
This is a routine about Scottish people and voice recognition software: I've never had this problem in an American lift, but I've certainly had it on the telephone to England: after long experience, I now have a special accent for reciting my postcode. If you are of a sensitive nature, you may wish to skip it, as there are ahem, a couple of rather coarse expressions in it. (There, that'll make sure you all watch it.)
very inspiring knitting there and I love the bracelet idea:)
Wow I think the looped bracelets will make great gifts, and use up some sock yarn. I am willing to try one, even though I am stalled on the linking hip sash.
Maybe someone in the new Ravelry group is also working on that?
Ans what are your knitting ipod apps? I had not even thought about that ... uh oh.
thanks for the post
Lisa in Toronto
I just got a new laptop. I think I'd better not mess my my ipod till I get the computer set up properly! But thanks, I'll test it out.
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