There isn't much to show for the last couple of weeks. I sewed the Debbie Bliss Denim Cardi together roughly and tried it on. It fits, but you know what? I'm not in love. I've tried it on again a few times and although it gets bigger all the the time because of the garter stitch, that's not really the problem. I didn't burst into noisy tears at this realization, but just started to think about what else I could do with the yarn. I think I'm going to have to stick to raglan sleeves in future: Ive got narrow shoulders and as the rest of me has got wider, they haven't, so things that fit in one place are falling off in another. I could of course do extensive measuring and altering, but I know I'm not going to so I think t's better to stick to raglans. I think also that the garter stitch might have had a slight Michelin Man effect. There's a raglan cardi in stocking stitch in the same book so I might try that. I feel quite sanguine about knitting that in the same yarn, which is a relief, and I don't feel a great sense of loss over the lace-edged one, so that's OK.
I think I've mentioned here before the usefulness of actually taking a look at the pattern now and again while you're making something, even if you've knitted it four times already. I find myself in the embarrassing position of making this observation again, having spent two days ripping the latest Swallowtail Shawl and getting it back on the needles. I consoled myself with the thought that a couple of years ago I wouldn't have had the skills to do that, but really, it would be better if my need for them weren't owing to my own thoughtlessness. Sigh. Anyway. We're heading off on the first part of the edging now, and it's still looking beautiful. A friend told me recently that she's getting married next year and I am already hatching schemes for knitting her something huge and intricate and white: I might use this as part of the persuasion process.
I also might use this. I got distracted by a lovely shawl that a Ravelry Friend knitted, without a pattern, called Snow on my Flowers. She was kind enough to direct me to the pattern for the edging so I've taken the risk of casting on.
The original has regularly spaced holes, but after spending some hours wrestling with graph paper, I decided that this would probably end in tears and that random would be safer in my case. It's some very fine spun Yeoman Polo merino lace that lovely Linda gave me, two strands held together. The yarn is Italian spun, one bright white strand from Australia and the other a creamier shade from Tasmania, which seems so much more exotic than Australia. I used this combination for the Baby Swallowtail, so I know it works well.
I finally thought what to do with the silk that was brought back to me from the trip to Everest Base Camp last year, and I made a long, skinny, garter-stitch band with it. It's ever so slightly greener than it looks here.
I asked my friend where she bought the yarn and she said, 'A wee shop in Kathmandu.' She's not a Scot; she's from New Zealand, but she's picked up the language.
I love it. It's about 80 inches long and averages three inches wide. It feels unbelievably soft and supple and I'm a bit worried about it falling apart because it's so loosely spun but it is probably tougher than it looks. Silk usually is.
I've done another ball of the RYC Silk Aran on the elongated Clapoktus, but it looks much the same, only longer, so I won't trouble you with a photograph.
I bought some yarn last week, but I'm too embarrassed to tell you what it is. I'll show you when I cast on.
Inspiring the Young
The young relation that I sometimes knit pink things for has expressed an interest in learning to knit and I'm planning a pink garter stitch scarf for a doll as the first project, but I'm not sure what might come after that. She's a very keen reader and regards books as IMPORTANT, so I think a book might be a good way of keeping her enthused. Does anyone have recommendations? Lucinda Guy's Kids Learn to Knit looks promising, but I'm concerned that it might appeal more to trendy adults than actual children.
Peg Blanchette's 12 Easy Knitting Projects loks genuinely childish and Bonnie Gosse's First Book of Kntting for Children has good reviews. There are so many that I'm a bt lost. Any advice will be appreciated.
I'm going to put the non-knitting in a separate post, because this is getting ridiculous.
I have an Aussie one that's out of print that i like. (Not helpful, I know.) Otherwise I like and have given Kids Knitting by Melanie Falick. I had to laugh at the mistake in the Swallowtail. I recently had a conversation with a knitting friend who is also a stuntwoman. (yes, truly) and she said that the stunts you do the most often are the ones where you get hurt because you are overconfident. At least there are no broken bones when we have to rip out our knitting, just gnashing of teeth.
Ah yes, the gnashing of teeth, as Mary Lou says...very familiar when it comes to knitting cardigans. Probably every other one that I knit looks horrible on me. I think that a pattern *like* the February Lady would suit you....raglan sleeves and a lacy lower part suspended from bust level. There are a number of patterns like that.
hello helen;; its me amy, your non-knitting, but always!!! reading your blog-kinda gal here in rock hill, sc USA. i kno, long time-no-hear-from-me, but it has been a very busy spring season here at Lowes Hardware Store ( I work at the one in York, SC) Speaking of Lowes, did the pics/videos make it across the pond there of all!! the nasty severe weather we had going on around here down south? bad tornadoes;; the 1 hitting the Lowes store and destroying it;; that store was located 3hrs drive from me here :O;; not pretty...but I am ok, as is my store;; i am glad u are doing well--keep up the good stuff... :) amy
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