This mysteriously cast itself on one evening while I was watching telelvision.

It's the most gorgeous rich, complex orange marmalade, almost a semi-solid, the sort with shreds of peel in it, and I think it's 100% mohair. It's about 3 inches wide, and those are 6mm needles. It's for a colourful friend, although I'm terribly tempted to keep it for myself. It would look so good with grey.
Have you seen this story about the knitted village?

It's Mersham, in Kent, and it's been knitted over a long time by the Afternoon Club there and shown in order to raise money for the Village Hall. It's got too big now so next month they're hoping to sell off the houses to the people who live in them. In a way it's a shame that it's being broken up, but it's also nice that the bits will 'go home'.
I hope one of the knitting mags - or perhaps even a non-knitting mag - does a big spread on it before it disappears.
I watched Elegy last night, which I thought wasn't any good. I thought it was a big male fantasy and was very surprised to see that it was directed by a woman, although not at all surprised to see that it was based on a novel by Philip Roth. About half-way through I said, 'This is like a Woody Allen film without the jokes,' but there was less to it than that.
Earlier in the week I watched Still Life, a Chinese film set in the Three Gorges during the work on the dam. Much better, a very good film.

I think I might get the DVD (I'd recorded it from the television) so that I can listen to the commentary and find out a bit more about it: I think some of the supporting roles may have been played by non-actors.

On a more trivial level, I can't stop watching this. Put the sound on.
Ok, I'm loving that gorgeous burnt orangey color, and you're right, it would be beautiful with grey. That might be a keeper. :)
I am a big fan of Jia Zhangke. There is a companion documentary, Dong, about the painter Liu Xiaodong. The footage complements that of Still Life - some of each film is documentary, and some of each is drama. There should be lots of articles online about the making of the film - try for example.
His newer film 24 City is along similar lines.
Yes, he does mix professional and non-professional actors.
And I came here for the knitting!
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