I meant to be back here sooner, not least in order to talk about The Poisoner, Judith. But when I got up on Sunday I couldn't, get up I mean. I could lie or sit, or scuttle, but I couldn't stand up straight or walk. I saw the osteopath on Tuesday and I am much better, but I think it's going to be another few days before I can catch up with things and write a post. Don't worry, though: I can still read, knit and operate a remote control so things aren't desparate.
The osprey chicks have both taken off and spend a lot of time in neighbouring trees, practising going backwards and forwards. Neither of them has come back with a fish yet.
Estelle Getty died this week, of an awful degenerative sort of dementia so presumably it came under the heading of a blessed release. This is from happier times. Picture this - Sicily, 1922...
ouch that sounds no fun at all - I hope you are put back together/mend very soon. I love the forest canopy in that colour - the jade sort of hue is just yummy - one of my favourite colours for things, delectable. Estelle Getty was THE reason to watch the Golden Girls - the whole family used to howl with laughter because of her, she was fab and demntia is such a cruel disease.
I learnt to knit at school and took it up again in my late twenties, and then again later, and it got squeezed out both times by changes in my life.
Now I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which leaves me sitting on the couch an awful lot. Some days I can’t knit anything too complicated because of what is politely called ‘brain fog’, other days I can knit lace. Some days I think I can do lace and then realize the next day that I couldn’t.
I hope you really are feeling better -- that sounds like no fun at all! The knitting is looking wonderful, though... ;)
ouch that sounds no fun at all - I hope you are put back together/mend very soon. I love the forest canopy in that colour - the jade sort of hue is just yummy - one of my favourite colours for things, delectable. Estelle Getty was THE reason to watch the Golden Girls - the whole family used to howl with laughter because of her, she was fab and demntia is such a cruel disease.
Hope you are feeling much better today.
Estelle Getty was wonderful, I still enjoy re-runs of The Golden Girls again & again.
I really hope you're feeling better soon! That pale green shawl looks luscious! It's really coming along! Best wishes, Helen
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