Monday, 2 February 2009


I didn't feel particularly well when I woke on Sunday morning, but I did feel relieved when I realized that I wasn't actually married to the man I'd just married in my dream. I don't know who he was, but I don't think it would have worked out. I quite often feel relieved when I waken up, when I realize that I don't have that job or that meeting, and I haven't lost my walking stick in a particularly large railway station - which is probably the same station where I haven't just missed a train.

I'm often disappointed to realize that I don't really have that extra room I just discovered in my flat, the room where I was going to put all the stuff I don't have room for, but mostly it's good news. My mobile phone is working after all, and I haven't lost all my shoes.

The latest Pinwheel Blankie is finished and will soon be on its way to its next owner. I thought I was going to get bogged down in the border, but instead I got seized by the idea of finishing it and getting it in the post, so I did it all day Saturday and blocked it on Sunday. It grew from 32 inches wide to 44 inches: I could have stretched it more, but I didn't think it would improve it.

I like it for its simplicity and tradition, although I'm a bit worried that the mum might just think it's dull. I hope not. To recap, it's the Pinwheel Blanket, with the border from the Lace Edged Cardigan in Debbie Bliss's Cotton Denim Aran book, and it took 7 balls of Drops Karisma Superwash: the shawl took 5 balls and the border took nearly two. Size 4mm needles.

The silky Forest Canopy grows slowly. It looks like a rag at this stage.

I'm very tempted by an idea I found on Knitting in the Shadows's blog. She says it's not original but I found it on hers so I'm giving her the credit. There's a Ravelry group or groups too. The idea is that you make your own Sock Club by selecting skeins and patterns and parcelling them up in separate bags, which you then open at monthly intervals. When I first read about it, I thought, 'Well, thank goodness I've just given away my sock yarn so I won't be tempted to do something as silly as that,' but then I started thinking about all the lace yarn I have which just sits in my head as a bundle of Could Do This, Could Do That ideas which never get resolved because I have to decide which to do first, before I decide anything else. This way, I could match the yarns to the patterns and then let chance decide which I was going to do first. I have got as far as printing out the patterns I want to use, and although I still feel pretty silly, I think I'm going to look for some bags soon. I might accidentally arrange which one to open first: do you think that would be terribly wrong?

I got this from the Yarn Yard the other week: the colours are a pale, smudgy version of crocuses peeping through grass. It goes by the romantic name of 612 and it's very pretty.

I meant to post this sooner. He must have a cat at home. Or several cats.


  1. Love the cat. Love that the studio HAS a cat. Love that no tech guy tried to lure the cat off stage so that it wouldn't be seen.

    Thanks for sharing that. Clearly, Europeans have better attitudes about just how "perfect" their newscasters must be. Makes me want to move.

  2. I love your pinwheel blanket -- I'm thinking it's time to start another one myself. And I think that the lace in a bag idea is a good one; I know someone who's doing the sock thing, and she did "accidentally" arrange to pick the one she wanted to do first, so it can't be that bad :)

  3. Your observations about dreaming made me laugh. I have sometimes woken up aggrieved by something the husband has done in one of my dreams (he is resigned to it now).

  4. My dreams are like a second life, but a sort of grab bag of a life. You never know what you're going to get each night.

    A few nights ago I was riding in a car and I suddenly realized that it was being driven by a person who was either blind, or driving with her eyes shut. I hastily got out at a stop. I looked back and noticed that Obama was in the back seat. Must be an anxiety dream about the economy...

  5. That pinwheel blanket is GORGEOUS. I don't have the patience for smaller-needle knitting.

  6. I hope the length of time since you posted is not because you are unwell. I hope to see new news from you soon!

  7. Yes, best wishes to you, Helen

  8. Haven't seen a new post for a long time......Helen where are you??

  9. Just adding my voice to the chorus-- you are missed!

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