Sunday, 18 May 2008

Not Much To Show For It

No new knitting to see here. I've done a few more repeats on the Swallowtail. I was already concerned about whether I would get a worthwhile shawl in terms of size out of one skein of Malabrigo Lace, so thanks for the confirmation, Lee. I've ordered another one, but I took a deep breath and ordered a different colour, a turquoise. (Which reminds me, does anyone know what the most frequently mis-spelt word on eBay is? I think it must be 'embroidered' or 'turquoise' but that probably reflects my browsing. 'Bargin' is one that always surprises me; you would think that people who were into bargains would notice that, but apparently not.)

Anyway, I do have concerns about the Azul Profundo being very light-absorbing and although I don't always like the way stripes look on shawls - if the colour doesn't follow the pattern - I'm hoping I can make it work. I will change the colour when the next stitch pattern starts, or I might have alternating colours in the budding lace pattern - or would that look naff? (For visitors, 'naff' is a difficult word to translate, but 'tacky' comes quite close in this context. Although Wikipedia doesn't say so, the derivation used to be said to be from 'Not Awfully Fine', but I don't expect that's much help.)

And I'm inching along with Chrissy, which seems to get wider every time I look at it. I've finished the back and am almost finished the front; I expect the sleeves will be enormous too. It's been eating yarn in vast quantities.

I've been colliding with technology lately, usually to my detriment. I was updating my iPod Shuffle yesterday when suddenly, without so much as a by-your-leave or an are-you-sure, it cleared itself. Not an insurmountable problem as I was making some changes anyway, but a bit of a shock. And then today I discovered that all my Sage blog feeds have disappeared and AdBlock isn't working. Aaaaargh. The last two are presumably related to each other. I've just got a new pc which I haven't set up yet so I'll just start over with that one and not try to tidy up here, but it does pull the rug from under your feet, doesn't it? I'll have to get to grips with Vista on the new pc so that should keep me busy.

You may remember that Jean and Spinning Fishwife and I visited K1 Yarns's shop in Edinburgh a while ago and failed to come away empty-handed. At the end of this month, K1 is having a visit from Jen of Fyberspates - Saturday 31st May in Glasgow and Sunday 1st June in Edinburgh. I've got it in my diary already. Both my Forest Canopy Shawls are knitted with her yarn - which one should I wear?

All of the photos above are from this book, which I picked this up the other day in a remainder place for £4.99 It's still listed at the full price on Amazon, but with a different cover and SBN. Do you think they might have dumped it because of the cover? Zoe Mellor is one of the best children's knitwear designers, I think, and I can't understand how someone could look at all those unbearably cute little togs and select that photo. In context in the book, the mittens look little and dainty, but on the cover the picture has been enlarged and there are no clues as to scale, so there is no way that you can tell they aren't adult mittens - they're actually larger than life size. I threw away my youth on a graphic designer and I worked for a while for a publisher and met some book designers, and I know they're not thoughtless people, so there must have been a reason. I think. Maybe they were working ahead of a long production schedule and nothing else had been photographed.

If you're thinking of buying it, I think this might be an updated version; it has more patterns but that stripy hoodie is on the cover.

One the subject of books, Alice Starmore's Tudor Roses went for nearly £80 on eBay this week, which I think is as might be expected; and Poetry in Stitches fetched nearly $170 recently. Rather more surprisingly, Rowan's current Tapestry booklet went for £17, in spite of being widely available for £5.95. Two people seem to have got into a bidding war.

Since I started this post. I've discovered that Firefox has released version 3.0, which is presumably the cause of some of my above-mentioned problems. Phew. I shall just wait and let them sort it out.

It still doesn't explain why my Shuffle sneezed though. For the interested, I now have a second muxtape. I tried to make this one a different theme, but it was soon overtaken by the usual suspects. Ry, Loudon and John, where would I be without you?


  1. "Shave Yo' Legs"...How I adore that song! And he has *such* a sexy voice.

  2. Hi, I love the colour of your swallow tale. I've just dyed some laceweight silk in that colour so I may have a go at the swallow tail myself.
    i like the kids jumpers esp the alphabet one.
    I know what you mean by the misspellings on E-bay. Mind you I have no room to talk!!! I cant think how to spell alot of words these days with the FM. How are you keeping?

  3. I can't wait to see new pictures of Swallowtail, and I'm glad that the malabrigo is going to be enough for this one (will you also post pictures of your new turquoise malabrigo -- I adore their colors!). Great score on the book -- the pictures from it that you've posted are wonderful. What fun knits for kids :)

  4. Easy to remember how to spell bargain. If it IS a bargain, you've "gained" something - thus barGAIN.
