Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Mavis Reaches the Sleeves

I haven't posted the last few days because I was only progressing with Mavis and I thought you had probably seen enough photographs of minute changes, minute advances and retreats, over that particular garment. I managed to separate the back and front satisfactorily this time, and finished it off up to the shoulders. I'm very pleased that I've got a charcoal stripe one one shoulder, and a purple stripe on the other. I don't believe in making random yarns look symmetrical. The friend for whom I'm knitting this jumper did enquire whether the stripes on the sleeves could be matched, and I told her that they could, but they won't. Cranky, moi?

I didn't get much done at the weekend because I went to stay with my niece and her family. For Sunday breakfast she made me a smoked salmon bagel with scrambled eggs on the side; I am thinking of changing my will in her favour.
Today I got started on the first sleeve. I had considered doing the sleeves on four needles, but I decided it was probably more trouble than seaming them. The holey bit of the chevrons would probably get even more holey if I were juggling needles, or using circs. I've tried two circs and the magic loop and I always end up feeling as if I'm spending more time yanking the stitches round cables than I am actually knitting. And before you tell me that that's a circ in the photo, it is but I am knitting backwards and forwards.

I'm thinking this might best be blocked before I sew it together. It might be easier to get the chevrons on the body properly stretched if I'm not wrestling with sleeves at the same time, and the sleeves might be easier to block when they're flat.

We had a surprisingly lovely sunny morning today, which made it all too easy to believe that we may be going to have an early spring, although the general Scottish tendency about weather like this, whenever it occurs, is to look bleakly at the sky, shake our heads, and say, 'Aye, we'll pay for this.' Whatever may be to come, it certainly brightened up the knitting of this yarn and I still love the colours.

On Friday evening all this thinking and counting overwhelmed me and I did a little bit of fast gratification with the beginning of a Log Cabin washcloth. It's fun. I'll finish it off when I've done the first sleeve. Unless I crack and do it before that.

I'm beginning to look out for the vintage Boyes I bought last week. I think I can reasonably expect them to arrive this week and I might get slightly impatient about them soon. Once they arrive, I can cast on for Scaruffle, or for the Kusha Kusha Scarf.


  1. Mavis is looking very good indeed.

    And, doesn't a sunny hour cheer one up? On the early-spring front, we saw daffodils blooming in a neglected churchyard in London last week.

  2. I love Mavis.
    I want to knit Mavis.
    I don't really want to buy the book I'll need to get that done, but she is so tempting.
    I even have yarn in mind.... I wonder if there's enough, lurking there, in my stash annex.....

  3. Mavis is looking lovely! I keep thinking that she might make a nice tank top for the summer... Must. Not. Cast. On. I hope that you don't have to pay too dearly for that lovely sun :) (And for the record, changing you will in favor of the good cook in your family is always OK.)

  4. Heard while sitting on an Edinburgh bus travelling along Princes' Street.
    First woman: Beautiful blossom on those trees.
    Second woman: Terible mess when it blows off though.
    First woman: Aye, you'd think someone would have made them a bit better, wouldn't you?

