Tuesday, 1 January 2008

Happy New Year

A happy and healthy 2008 to everyone, knitters and jigsaw puzzlers alike. There's another new jigsaw in the sidebar - two heads and only one knitted hat but I think you'll agree they shouldn't be separated.


  1. Yay! A new jigsaw! (They are strangely addictive...) Thanks for the long and thoughtful comment on my blog, too. I know exactly what you mean about the putting oneself out there and taking a risk thing. I'm so glad that you do, though, because I really enjoy reading your thoughts! And there's something about putting those pictures and comments together to share with people that provides an interesting perspective on my days; like I get a chance to figure out how to distill what was important out of the day. It's a good chance to reflect. Happy new year :)

  2. i love your knitting jigsaws. I am so addicted:) I am a knitter who also loves puzzles and found yours accidentally through jigzone. Please keep posting more:)

  3. I loved reading your blog especially the part about knitting. I don't usually rip things out unless a large error but I do a lot on unknitting. I am a perfectinist but I do try to leave at least one error in each project.Please send me the washcloth pattern I really like it and I have swome Sugar and Cream to use. slomax@charter.net
