Saturday, 11 August 2007


I seem to have a lot of things which I have finished knitting, but haven't finished. The stripy Mably is still waiting for me to press / steam it before I do the seaming and i-cord edge; the Scarf, page 80 from Victorian Lace Today is still waiting to be blocked; a second Errol the Owl has been knitted but is waiting to be sewn and stuffed; and one pair of blades of Mochimochi's Grass has been knitted but is likewise waiting for sewing and stuffing.

I have finished some Christmas decorations from the Knitter's Almanac and they're all ready to go. Unfortunately they will have to wait a bit longer, and my main concern is keeping them safe without forgetting where I've put them. I suppose the thing to do would be mention here where I've put them, and then I could look it up.

I did unrip and knit up the neck of the Distressed Sweater for the third time and I am now Happy With It. I really must remember that I'm not as good at making alterations on the hoof as I think I am.

And I have started a hooded cardi from a Jo Sharp pattern, using All Seasons Cotton again, which has intricately shaped raglan sleeves. Since I've subbed the yarn, I hope to goodness the raglans match. I love raglan sleeves, always have. I have narrow shoulders and I find raglans much more forgiving than set-in sleeves.

But I should really do some finishing.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I hear you on that finishing thing.

    Guess what - you won some yarn from my blog contest! Email me at wockin at sbcglobal dot net - substituting appropriate characters of course :) and I will get your info to get it to you.
