Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Young Me, Now Me

I've finished the Cupcake Hat but I can't stay away from this website for long enough to take a photograph.


Sea said...

some of those are so uncanny in their resemblance

Lisa R-R said...

Wow that page is a riot.
Some people _really_ got into the recreation.
thanks for the link
Lisa in Toronto

Mary Lou said...

I am supposed to be working on my taxes! Don't do things like this to me. I love it.

Donice said...

I think I've clicked on some of the best links from your blog - and this is one. Thanks!

Helen said...

I could lose a day on that link...
and then, an evening in wondering if I could find a good picture to reproduce. Where can I find an Easter basket big enough for my daughter to pose in??? hmmm..

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